You finally got that call for your dream job. You researched the company, prepared your wardrobe, now what? You really have to do well on that interview. You start to get nervous. You know you have the skills but your previous interview could have gone better. You stumbled on a few questions and didn’t knock it out of the park. You really need to WOW them. Opportunities like this don’t come along very often. Mock interview coaching can help you.
Have you outgrown your career?
Are you applying for a job that could mean a 15 – 25 % bump in your pay?
Are you looking to break into a new industry or new field?
Is it time for you to hire a professional?
We can help you prepare for the challenging questions you will face in an interview. We can help you showcase your relevant skills, feel prepared to interview for your dream job and demonstrate your worth as a strong candidate. As a Hiring Manager for more than 15 years, and an expert interview coach, that has conducted thousands of interviews, we know the critical questions that are on most decision makers minds. That when answered correctly, can mean the difference between moving to the 2nd interview versus not making the cut. There are common questions asked no matter what industry or field you are in.
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Job Interview Coaching Services NYC
NYC Resume, Interview & Online Prep has a special format “Master Interviewing” that makes it easy for clients to tackle these tough interview questions. We lay out a simple, focused and concise method that helps you stay on point, engage the interviewer, and most importantly answer those 4 -5 tough questions that cause most candidates to stumble.
Interview Questions Preparation, Practice and confidence in interview skills are critical to Nailing the Interview. You may have excellent credentials, experience, knowledge and skills that have got you through the door for that first interview. You need to take that opportunity to WOW the decision makers with your insightful interview responses.
How you do on the interview is key. You have only one chance to show your potential employer that you are the right candidate. There are many qualified applicants so a solid plan of action is important. We know this is true and there are some critical details you should be prepared for that goes beyond answering the job interview questions. Did you show an interest in the company, were you courteous to everyone you met, how did you handle the salary discussion, do you have the skills, job fit, how was your appearance, did you send a thank you note, what did you share about your former employer? There are many elements to consider when you prepare for the job interview process.
Our focus is to provide
- Interview tips and “Master Interviewing” technique to help you tackle tough interview questions
- Ace the most common interview questions hiring managers are asking
- Communicate your measurable results
- Interview tips to go beyond good interview answers
- Demonstrate energy, interest and enthusiasm for the position and the company overall
- Prepare thought provoking interview questions to ask
- Identify theme of your message and delivery
- Feel more confident and prepared about the interview process from when you first get the call for the interview to your follow up after the interview
You can book 1 Mock Interview Coaching session at a time or opt for a package of 3 or more sessions.

Practice Interview Includes:
Completion of a brief Intake form in preparation for our session
One Skype or phone Mock interview coaching session for 55 minutes includes approximately 40 minutes of practice interviewing and 15 minutes of constructive feedback and career advice
Other Add on Services (subject to additional fees)
Client developed Competency Interview Action Worksheet and one 50 minute phone or Skype Follow Up session for review and feedback. You can schedule more if you desire.
Resume Feedback – professionally tailored resume
Job Search Career Advice Coaching Session – 55 minute coaching session to identify job search strategy, develop action items and review progress