Why Artificial Intelligence Doesn't Work for Resume Writing NYC

Why Artificial Intelligence Doesn’t Work for Resume Writing

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Writing a resume certainly has its challenges. For most people it basically falls right up there with having your teeth pulled. It is a grueling experience to say the least. That is why it may be tempting to use artificial intelligence to write your resume. Here’s why AI can hurt your job opportunities and prospects. Generic Resumes Do Not Work For example, you ask ChatGPT to provide you with a …

Hate My Job NYC

Why Do People Hate Their Jobs

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So, the vast majority of people are unhappy with their jobs. According to a global Gallup poll statistic, 85% of people are dissatisfied with their jobs. So, you are certainly not alone if you are unhappy at work. It really is an alarming statistic. Several years ago, it was at about 70%, so although that was still high, it does appear to be trending upward. Do you hate your job?  At …

Recruiters Share Secrets to an Optimized Resume NYC

Recruiters Share Secrets to an Optimized Resume

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With over fifteen years’ experience in Human Resources leadership including recruitment, before pivoting to a Professional Resume writer role, I have a keen understanding of what hiring managers and recruiters look for in job candidates. Those skills have served me well in optimizing resumes for my clients. The goal is to rank well in the ATS, the applicant tracking systems that most companies use today. The other equally essential part …

Working Abroad NYC

Top 4 Reasons to Hire a Professional Resume Writer

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Writing a resume can be a daunting task. With so many changes in technology, how job market candidates are screened is a mystery. A professional resume writer at NYC Resume understands how candidates are screened and can focus on optimizing your resume appropriately. How are candidates screened today? How can I stand out in a super competitive job market? Where do I even begin with writing my resume, not to …