Strategy for a Great Resume

Strategy for a Winning Job Search

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Looking for a job takes time, effort and dedication. It’s a competitive job market. There are a lot of very talented professionals with unique skill sets that you have to compete with. Some companies prefer promoting from within the organization. Landing that dream job may in part be about who you know. Therefore a more comprehensive job search is necessary in today’s landscape. A winning job search strategy and a …

Mistakes to Avoid When You Negotiate Salary NYC

Mistakes to Avoid When You Negotiate Salary

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Salary negotiations is a critical part of the job search process. You want to negotiate salary from a position of strength. There are some common mistakes you should avoid when you negotiate salary for your next job. Making a good salary can give you the freedom to do so many things. It can help you pay off debt, travel more, save for retirement or a rainy day and stop worrying …

Best Strategy on How to Ask for A Raise NYC

Best Strategy on How to Ask for a Raise

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When you have been at a job for a while, it is normal to expect a raise. Many people miss out on a higher salary because they do not know how to ask for a raise or feel uncomfortable broaching the subject. If you feel you have earned a raise, why not ask. By using the right strategy, you have a better chance of success. Ask for a Raise When …