3 Jobs to Consider for a Career Change

3 Jobs to Consider for Career Changers

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In today’s job market, a career change is quickly becoming the norm. Some people are forced to make a career change as technology improves. In other cases, you want to start a new career because you are burned out in your industry. Luckily, changing careers is quite common. While some careers can be hard to start, the following careers can be great options. Start Your Career Change as a Fundraiser …

How to Have Fun At Work NYC

How to Have Fun At Work

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When you are unhappy with your job, it seems like each minute ticks painfully by. While you might have to spend most of your days at the office, you can still make work more enjoyable. With a few tips and tricks, you can have fun at work. Have More Fun at Work by Walking It seems like you will never be done. You spend hours working on a project. Your …

Ways to Boost Creative Ideas NYC

Ways to Boost Your Creativity

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Great artists and writers make creativity seem like a natural talent. In reality, creativity is something that you have to learn. You can increase creative ideas with practice. Whether you want to be more creative at work or need to expand your mind, these tips can help you learn how to be an innovator. Increase Creative Ideas Doing Nothing When you are always busy, it is hard to find time …

Best Strategy on How to Ask for A Raise NYC

Best Strategy on How to Ask for a Raise

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When you have been at a job for a while, it is normal to expect a raise. Many people miss out on a higher salary because they do not know how to ask for a raise or feel uncomfortable broaching the subject. If you feel you have earned a raise, why not ask. By using the right strategy, you have a better chance of success. Ask for a Raise When …