In today’s world, a nine-to-five job is rarely nine-to-five. After a long day at the office, all you want to do is disconnect from work. Unfortunately, this is next to impossible. With smartphones, tablets and mobile devices, your boss can send you an email at any time of the day or night. Even when your boss is not constantly texting, you are still thinking about work problems after you return …
How to Reenter the Job Market After Raising Your Children
Your children are your pride and joy. As they get older, you start considering a return to the job market. While you want to reenter the job market, you now have a time gap on your resume. In reality, this time gap can actually be a benefit if you use it right. If you format your resume properly, you can turn your family life into an advantage. Focus on Your …
Is it Time to get a New Job
It is hard to know when it’s time to get a new job. Many people are dissatisfied with their current job, but they hesitate to make a change. Transitioning to a new job can be scary. There’s a learning curve and being the new person at company can be uncomfortable initially at least. At the same time, you will never know what could be possible unless you make the move. …
Phone Interview Tips for 2018
With more employers doing phone and video conferencing interviews, it is important to learn the best phone interview tips. While the general idea is the same, there are some important differences between interviewing in person and interviewing on the phone. For the best chance of success, individuals need to learn what to expect and how to plan ahead. Set the Environment In a typical interview, the location is generally at …