Resume writing has become somewhat of an art form. You have to determine who is your target audience, what they are looking for and then go through several layers of scrutiny before your resume actually hits someone’s desk. It is no longer a matter of throwing all your experience out there and seeing what sticks. You have to prioritize and make hard decisions in terms of what is most relevant …
Signs of Job Burnout What Should I Do
At some point we all question do I simply need a break from my work or am I dealing with job burnout? Maybe you haven’t taken a proper vacation in years. Or perhaps you just need to take some time to figure out if you want to move on in your career path. If you feel like you had enough and need to move in another direction, here are a …
I Want a Job with More Flexibility
There comes a point in one’s life, where you take a step back and reevaluate your priorities. It may be about saving for retirement or doing something meaningful for yourself, focusing more on family or taking a look at your job and thinking what else? During and post pandemic, there was an emphasis on taking stock and looking at your career differently. Some continue to say “I am looking for …
Top 3 Career Tips for Prioritizing
So how many times do we just say “I can’t do it all.” Of course you cannot do it all. It can feel overwhelming to have so much on your plate, all these conflicting priorities and everyone thinking what they need from you is a priority. Sound familiar? Everybody wants everything yesterday. Does that sound familiar too? Here are 3 top career tips for prioritizing. Tips for Prioritizing, Putting Your …