5 work from home jobs nyc

5 Jobs Where You Can Work From Home

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Work from home jobs can give you the freedom to choose your clients, pick your schedule and decide your rates. As a result of technology, it is easier to work from home than ever before. From working as a web developer to a virtual assistant, there are many opportunities in this field. Keep in mind, it’s important to perform your due diligence to make sure these jobs are legitimate. Explore …

Why Hire A Career Coach NYC

Why Hire A Career Coach

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Before someone can compete in the Olympics, they spend years practicing under an experienced coach. Many seek out a financial advisor to manage their investments. It only makes sense that you would use the same approach to something as important as your career. If you are wondering, how can a career coach help me, a career coach can help you learn how to make a strategic career plan and create …

How to Overcome Self-Doubt for Career Success NYC

How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Achieve Career Success

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Like most people, you want to achieve career success. One of the most common problems that stands in your way is self-doubt. Even successful entrepreneurs doubt their own abilities from time to time. While a little self-doubt can teach you to be cautious, too much can be debilitating. Successful people learn how to reduce self-doubt so that they can focus on their career success. Stay Silent About Your Goals In …

Ways to Find Your Career Passion Career Coach

5 Ways To Find Your Career Passion

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The average person spends about 40 years in the workplace. If you work 40 hours a week or more, that adds up to a significant portion of your life. Your life is too short to stay stuck in a job that you simply do not care about. Once you find your career passion, your workday will stop feeling like work. Instead of counting down the minutes until you clock out, …