5 Tips for a Career Pivot NYC

5 Tips for Career Changers Looking to Pivot

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From my own personal experience, a career change can be incredibly fulfilling. However, the path to that career pivot presents challenges that you need to overcome. A well thought out plan is essential to navigate through a successful transition in reinventing yourself professionally.  Create a Thoughtful Plan for your Career Pivot  At some point I knew I would transition from my role in Human Resources leadership. I gave a lot …

Feeling Job Burnout What Should I Do NYC

Feeling Job Burnout, What Should I Do?

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We all feel stressed from time to time, overworked and tired of doing the same thing, basically what we’re dealing with maybe job burnout. if we don’t nip it in the bud, it will fester, leading to more frustration. Eventually it will impact our productivity at work. Data indicates most people have felt anxiety, stress or overwhelmed at work. So, what should I do if I experience job burnout? How …