body language tips niece

Interview Body Language Tips

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When it comes to your interview, your body language is just as important as the words you say. Up to 70 percent of communication is nonverbal. Your nonverbal communication includes the tone of your voice, your posture and hand gestures. If your nonverbal communication does not match up with your words, it could end up ruining your interview. To land a new job, use these body language tips. Start With …

Resume Format NYC

Is Your Resume Format as Important as the Content?

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As you create your resume package, you have to consider what the hiring manager is looking for. On average, hiring managers only spend 8 to 10 seconds on each resume. They review a lot of resumes, so your resume has to be concise and easy to read. Otherwise, you could miss out on your dream job. Your resume format must be perfect, or the hiring manager will be distracted from …