We try our best when going through the job search process. We diligently research the company and ask thoughtful questions during the interview process. During the interview, we get an impression of each of the interviewers, if we feel we can learn from them or align with their values. There’s a lot that goes into the thought process. Let’s face it, we also take jobs we are not necessarily excited …
Job Interviewing Tips that Get Results
Job Interviewing can be stressful. A strong resume will give you confidence with your job search. The job interview is what clinches the deal so to speak. You need to be on top of your game. As a hiring manager, recruiter and resume writer, I have an understanding of what is critical to nailing an interview. From my interviewing experience, I have seen the common pitfalls of interviewing as well. …
Adjusting To Returning To Work
Given the increase in vaccinations, companies may continue to return to more of a sense of normalcy, however returning to work may trigger a number of feelings. For some, after working home for so long, there is unease with not knowing what to expect and what precautions will be taken by your company. Some employees already returned to the office full time while others are assuming a hybrid role or …
Social Interaction At Work, Why It’s Important
Social interaction at work has always been an incredibly important aspect of job satisfaction. During the pandemic, employees lost some of that sense of comradery. Working from home has it’s benefits however it can be lonely in certain ways. The lack of interaction affects motivation. People have felt a sense of isolation and it has affected job satisfaction in the workplace. Benefits of Social Interaction There are so many benefits …