What Makes a Great Resume, 4 Tips from Professional Resume Writers NYC

Tips for Writing A Strong Career Summary

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Spread the loveA resume career summary is a critical part of your resume. Some may say it’s the most important section.  It very well can be the only part of your resume that the hiring manager reviews. If you don’t have a strong career summary to grab their attention, they likely won’t go any further. It gives the reader a flavor for who you are as a candidate. Similar to …

Tips for Job Growth

Tips for Difficult Job Interview Questions

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Spread the loveThis is a follow up to the last article about answering difficult interview questions. We receive a tremendous amount of questions from clients that struggle with the interview process so thought we would initiate a part two dedicated to this important aspect of the job search process. Being prepared will help you land that exciting job opportunity. There are many questions that stump candidates leaving them feeling like …

Preparing for Tough Job Interview Questions New York

Preparing for Tough Job Interview Questions

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Spread the loveYou may be one of the few that actually likes to go on job interviews. The likelihood is that you dread the entire process and wish hiring managers would tell you what they want to know with their job interview questions. There are so many things to consider. Anticipating their questions, being concise, focusing on your body language and truly showcasing your accomplishments. No wonder it’s so stressful. …

Vital Elements Successful Job Hunt

Vital Elements of a Successful Job Hunt

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Spread the lovePerforming a job hunt can be an extremely time consuming and frustrating process. It may do a number on your confidence level while you are on edge waiting for calls from companies that don’t seem to be coming. It can take forty five minutes to apply for one job, just one job. You may ask “Why do I keep getting these rejection emails? I have the experience but …