Acts of Kindness During Difficult Times NYC

Acts of Kindness During Difficult Times

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Spread the loveWe are all feeling the pressures of this unprecedented situation. When things are difficult, we all have our moments but that’s when acts of kindness truly matter. We do or say things that we normally wouldn’t. However, these are not normal circumstances, are they? I have spoken with friends and colleagues that have acted in ways they are not thrilled about, myself included. Coping is hard, things are …

4 Tips to Stay Relevant in your Field NYC

4 Job Search Tips During Coronavirus

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Spread the loveDuring times of uncertainty, it’s essential to be prepared for changes in your employment even if you are working. Taking proactive steps to stay connected that can help you land a job much faster, more importantly land a job you love. Stay Connected Right now, individuals are focused on our own personal challenges and trying to figure out how to best deal with the chaos of this pandemic. …

Tips to Nail Your Skype Job Interview Questions NYC

Tips to Nail Your Skype Job Interview

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Spread the loveYes, companies are hiring although it may not feel that way based on our own personal circumstances and the number of layoffs we are hearing about in the media. Preparing for job interview questions within a Skype format is essential. Based on shifts in demand, companies within certain sectors are hiring at rapid rates. Perhaps considering a change in the types of jobs you search for may be …

Healthy Coping Strategies NYC

Healthy Coping Strategies During Self-Quarantine

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Spread the loveMany of us are experiencing the challenges of self-quarantine with fear of the coronavirus, trying to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Feelings of anxiety, frustration, isolation and a lack of control can be all consuming. This lack of control over what’s going on around us. The new normal is anything but that. It’s important to focus on the things you can control and rely on your support …