We recently wrote about job opportunities for folks that wish to work from home on a part time or full time basis. Now we’d like to focus on the types of skills important in being successful when you work remotely. There are a number of different challenges that remote workers face that are very different from going to an office every day. It requires a unique skill set in order …
Working from Home Jobs in Demand
More companies are allowing for a flexible work arrangement including working from home at least one day a week. With technology and the different modes of communication available, it has become easier to connect with people and be highly productive at home. There has also been an increase in remote job opportunities available. Companies recognize the continued demand of balancing work and family. Many see the value in providing support …
How To Find Out If You Are Well Paid
I have female clients that come to me very disturbed after finding out male colleague with the same position and similar years of work experience are paid more, sometimes significantly. It’s a really serious blow especially if you have been dedicated to a company and given 100 percent to your job. There’s so much data at your fingertips. If you do the research and educate yourself, you can determine if …
Changing Careers Later In Life
The average person changes careers 4 – 6 times in their lifetime, so it’s more common than people think. Changing careers may be something you contemplated one time or another but have some difficulty trying to figure out which direction to go in. Perhaps you no longer feel challenged at work or have come to the conclusion that you never really liked your job. You certainly can make a change. …