Many individuals feel they may not be paid fairly but have difficulty taking steps to find out. Now more than ever, you can have access to information regarding compensation. When making a comparison it is important to ensure you are comparing apples to apples. If you do not take the time to use relevant and reliable data, you may get frustrated unnecessarily. The data may indicate you are paid fairly. …
4 Tips for Updating Your Resume
When updating your resume content, there are a number of things that you should focus on. The objective is to optimize it and create the best first impression. It is the most important document for your career. Format The proper format is extremely important for a number of reasons. First of all, it must be formatted for the applicant tracking system. It should also be easy to read or scan …
When You Should Update Your Resume
There are number times when it makes sense to your resume updated. A general rule of thumb is to always have a resume that is for the most part updated. In the event of a change in your job situation or if a new opportunity pops up, you will be ready. Seeking Internal Promotions Most companies require that you go through a formal process when applying for an internal position. …
Overcoming Work and Life Challenges This Past Year
This past year has been difficult for so many people looking for different coping mechanisms. From the heartbreaking loss of loved ones, fears of job losses to adapting to remote working, business owners trying to remain afloat, to school closures preventing you from working and so many other challenges to face. There are so many circumstances that have increased anxiety levels for so many Americans and people all over the …