Overcoming Work and Life Challenges This Past Year

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This past year has been difficult for so many people looking for different coping mechanisms. From the heartbreaking loss of loved ones,  fears of job losses to adapting to remote working, business owners trying to remain afloat, to school closures preventing you from working and so many other challenges to face. There are so many circumstances that have increased anxiety levels for so many Americans and people all over the world. We certainly did not expect a global pandemic and it has affected us in a profound way personally, financially and professionally.

Anxiety Coping Mechanisms

Change is all around us. Many are uncomfortable with change and dealing with so many challenges at once can become overwhelming. Heightened anxiety affects our ability to focus and impacts our judgement. Getting anxiety under control is important for one’s personal and professional life. If you cannot focus, then even the simplest work duties become difficult.

Workplace Challenges

As anxiety levels heighten, workplace conflict may increase. There are so many aspects of work that can be impacted if you don’t make an effort to overcome anxiety and manage stress in a healthy way. It is also important if you are unemployed and looking for a job. You want to be able to focus on your job search, feel confident and present yourself well during the job interview process. People are working from home so they may feel disconnected from their boss and colleagues. Some are returning to an office environment and are feeling anxious about that. So many changes are going on all at once that can feel overwhelming.

Healthy Coping Mechanisms

There are a number of things people can do to overcome stress and anxiety. The important thing is to commit to it and focus on solutions. There is no one size fits all strategy. It’s about finding what works for you. Exercise releases endorphins in the brain that positively affects mood. It has so many health benefits. The weather is getting warmer which gives us more choices in how we exercise. Walking, spinning and hiking are personally my favorite options. Many find yoga to be incredibly helpful in calming the mind. Hypnosis is an alternative choice that offers benefits in overcoming anxiety, obtaining a more positive outlook and gaining a new perspective. If you feel you need to seek professional help, there are many resources available.


With so many individuals receiving the vaccine every day, with a commitment toward accelerating these efforts, there’s hope that we are moving forward toward solutions. People are excited about receiving vaccines, so many have dedicated their professional careers to making this happen. Business owners are able to slowly open up again, some travel has picked up, there’s some financial help for those in need. Although we still have to remain vigilant, people are feeling more hopeful.

So much has changed this past year. As strong as we are, it can become overwhelming and look for healthy coping mechanisms. Focusing on ways to cope and adapt has become increasingly important. Overcoming workplace challenges, experiencing overwhelming loss, personal and financial difficulties has been a big part of the last 12 months. There is hope and light as we go forward.