5 Tips for a Career Pivot NYC

5 Tips for Career Changers Looking to Pivot

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From my own personal experience, a career change can be incredibly fulfilling. However, the path to that career pivot presents challenges that you need to overcome. A well thought out plan is essential to navigate through a successful transition in reinventing yourself professionally.  Create a Thoughtful Plan for your Career Pivot  At some point I knew I would transition from my role in Human Resources leadership. I gave a lot …

A Resume Strategy That Works NYC

Renew Your Job Search in December

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There are a number of reasons December maybe the perfect time to kick start your job search and beat the competition. Although some companies may not be hiring in December, they will likely be looking for candidates for January and February hire dates. New hiring budgets are in place for the new year. Some employees may resign after receiving their year-end bonuses. In addition, there are typically less job applicants …

Resume Essentials to Include NYC

Resume Essentials For Getting Noticed

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Writing a resume can be difficult. Your career has gone in many directions, companies require you wear many hats, there are so many things to capture. What do hiring managers and recruiters want to see on your resume? What will grab their attention can feel like a real mystery. The whole process can be overwhelming. What are resume essentials? Career Summary If a hiring manager read nothing else in your …