Career Coaches and Resume Writer Tips to Hire Me New York

Is Your Resume Hurting Your Job Search

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It can be daunting to look for a new job and target your resume appropriately. The idea of a new career opportunity is exciting. However, the process of a job search is stressful and can affect your confidence level. You know what you have to offer and have a good sense of what you are looking for. Why aren’t you getting the interviews you want. Your resume could very well …

What Makes a Great Resume, 4 Tips from Professional Resume Writers NYC

Tips for Writing A Strong Career Summary

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A resume career summary is a critical part of your resume. Some may say it’s the most important section.  It very well can be the only part of your resume that the hiring manager reviews. If you don’t have a strong career summary to grab their attention, they likely won’t go any further. It gives the reader a flavor for who you are as a candidate. Similar to how you …

Find Jobs In Demand Now for Career Move

Finding Jobs In Demand Now

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Career professionals are thinking more about the direction of their next career move and different options available. Certain companies are having financial challenges as a result of the pandemic while others are growing at a rapid rate. Some are seriously considering switching careers in light of the current job market. Furthermore, company needs are shifting and certain roles are in demand now more than ever. E-commerce Demand for online services …

Changing Careers Later In Life NYC

Changing Careers Later In Life

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The average person changes careers 4 – 6 times in their lifetime, so it’s more common than people think. Changing careers may be something you contemplated one time or another but have some difficulty trying to figure out which direction to go in. Perhaps you no longer feel challenged at work or have come to the conclusion that you never really liked your job. You certainly can make a change. …