Top 10 Resume Tips to Land My Dream Job NYC

Top 10 Resume Tips to Make You Stand Out

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So, you made the decision to look for a new job and put your resume out there. No bites yet and you are wondering, what am I doing wrong? Why can’t I land my dream job? I know it can be incredibly frustrating. You find these job opportunities and say I am a perfect fit for this job, but you don’t get a call. Even worse, you get those canned …

Stand Out in Competitive Job Market NYC

How Do I Stand Out in a Competitive Job Market

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It is still a good time of year to get out in the job market and look for an opportunity that is right for you. Although generally speaking, August is one of the best months for your job search, September is a good time as well. However, you will notice it is becoming an increasingly difficult job market. Therefore, you must take the necessary steps to stand out in this …

Achieving new career goals NYC

Achieving New Career Goals in 2023

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It is important to look at the full picture when establishing new career goals. Since your job is a major part of your life, you want it to balance with your personal life as well. Furthermore, you want to make sure your professional goals align with your life goals. If you wish to travel more, then perhaps you want to negotiate more vacation time. If you want to buy a …

Resume Tips for Midlevel Manager NYC

Resume Tips for A Midlevel Manager

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As a midlevel manager, sometimes it’s difficult to create a concise and targeted resume. There are so many things managers do outside of the scope of their role. It makes prioritizing and determining what to focus on a challenge. Prime Real Estate for a Midlevel Manager Based on the way candidates are screened, there is such a thing as prime real estate when it comes to creating a resume. There …