Why December is a Great Time to Update Your Resume NYC

Why December is a Great Time to Update Your Resume

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December is actually a great time to update your resume and get ready to start applying for jobs. Intuitively, you may not think so, but you’d be surprised. Most company budgets run through the calendar year. During the last quarter of the year, they will firm up their hiring plans for 2020 and some start posting in December. January and February are typically very strong months for your job search. …

Tips for Women Planning for Retirement NYC

Tips for Women Planning for Retirement

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Most of us know that there is a wage gap between women and men. Furthermore, if you add the fact that women have a higher life expectancy than men, it makes it a more pressing issue for women to start earning more. The less you make, the less you have to contribute to retirement. We may not always think about it in those terms but it’s pretty important for our …

Maintaining A Positive Outlook During Your Job Search NYC

Maintaining A Positive Outlook During Your Job Search

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It can be easy to lose confidence and give in to those feelings of rejection when you are looking for a job. You apply for job after job and don’t hear anything. Or you interview for job after job and don’t seem to be able to secure the job offer. It happens to so many people and they start to feel frustrated and at times, it affects their overall positive …

Exciting Career Interests

Exciting Career Options Without A Degree

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There is a broad array of exciting career options for individuals that do not have college degrees. Some of them require certifications and or training. There are many job choices depending on your career interest and what path makes the most sense for you. You will need to objectively evaluate your skills. Dental Hygienist If you enjoy working with patients and building long term relationships, this may work. It’s equally …