4 Reasons to Hire A Professional Resume Writer How Candidates are screened

Top 4 Reasons to Hire a Professional Resume Writer

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Writing a resume can be a daunting task. With so many changes in technology, how job market candidates are screened is a mystery. A professional resume writer at NYC Resume understands how candidates are screened and can focus on optimizing your resume appropriately. How are candidates screened today? How can I stand out in a super competitive job market? Where do I even begin with writing my resume, not to …

Find Work Life Balance NYC

4 Top Reasons You Should Always Have An Updated Resume

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Job opportunities can come along unexpectedly. You may be happy in your current role but something great comes up that you just can’t pass up on. Perhaps you are looking for greater work life balance and this new job will give you that. When it happens, you have to be prepared or that perfect opportunity may just pass you by. Here are the top 4 reasons you should always have …

Job Market Trends NYC

Job Market Trends

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The current global economy continues to be impacted by inflation, interest rates and talks of recession. Layoff announcements are a concern for many especially in certain industries for high paying jobs. These mass layoffs came unexpectedly for some high level high paid professionals. It can be unsettling to experience these events especially when they happen quickly and without clean warning signs. A bright spot in the job market is the …