4 Job Interview Tips to Find A Job NYC

4 Job Interview Tips for Success in 2024

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The idea of going through job interview after job interview can be stressful. You are confident in your abilities to perform your job well but the interview process feels like a mystery. Sometimes they ask these cryptic questions that you don’t quite understand. You may have difficulty framing what you want to say and thinking quickly enough on your feet. Let’s not forget the added pressure you put on yourself …

5 Tips for a Career Pivot NYC

Kickstart the New Year with a New Job

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Having you been thinking about quitting your job? Are you tired of your boss, your work, the lack of appreciation or is it simply the desire to find a new challenge? Is a fresh start on your mind for the New Year? The beginning of the year is a great time to look for a new job. Companies have new budgets and they are hiring now. You may not be …

Comprehensive Strategy to Writing Your Resume NYC

A Comprehensive Strategy to Writing Your Resume

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So, you decide to go on your job search. You are writing your resume. After performing your research, you find resume templates or resume examples online. You follow the resume format and are happy with how it turned out. Then you find positions you know you are perfect for; you have the experience and skills yet you are not getting calls for a job interview. Does that sound like you? …