How Do I Prepare for an Online Job Fair NYC

How Do I Prepare for An Online Job Fair?

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Online job fairs have become increasingly popular. It is an avenue to explore when searching for a job during the pandemic. A virtual job fair typically takes place within online chat rooms, webcasts and teleconferencing. It is for a designated period of time that allows you to explore company job opportunities. Prospective employers have the chance to seek candidates. What is the Best Way to Do Research? Similar to an …

Overcoming Uncertainty and Possible Layoffs NYC

Overcoming Uncertainty and Possible Layoffs

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Dealing with uncertainty can be overwhelming. Some people are working from home now balancing work and family with children home from school. Others have been temporarily or permanently laid off. Some are working at the front lines managing the supply chain, health care, within distribution, delivery, transportation, construction and many others. Anxiety levels can certainly run high if you are worried about your possible layoffs, an actual layoff, financials and …

Why Artificial Intelligence Doesn't Work for Resume Writing NYC

Maintaining A Positive Outlook During Your Job Search

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It can be easy to lose confidence and give in to those feelings of rejection when you are looking for a job. You apply for job after job and don’t hear anything. Or you interview for job after job and don’t seem to be able to secure the job offer. It happens to so many people and they start to feel frustrated and at times, it affects their overall positive …

Tips to Reenergize Your Search NYC

Tips to Reenergize Your Search

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All aspects of your online presence matter when conducting a job search. Social media makes it so much easier to promote yourself but it’s imperative that you do so wisely. Everything you put out there online creates your image and it’s an excellent platform that you should take full advantage of. You need to present yourself in a confident and professional manner in order to reenergize your search. Be Specific …