Maintaining A Positive Outlook During Your Job Search

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It can be easy to lose confidence and give in to those feelings of rejection when you are looking for a job. You apply for job after job and don’t hear anything. Or you interview for job after job and don’t seem to be able to secure the job offer. It happens to so many people and they start to feel frustrated and at times, it affects their overall positive outlook. Which may result in taking a job that you just don’t want.

Let’s face it, we all have financial responsibilities that we have to meet every month. Some people have more of a cushion to get them through unemployment, some feel the additional pressure.

Humor for a Positive Outlook

Maintaining a positive outlook can go a long way in keeping up your confidence. One of the worst things you can do in a job interview is to let your frustration show. Who will hire you if they think you are not a desirable candidate to other companies? Focus on the positives when your job search may not be going as expected. There are learnings from every experience. There’s some humor in a lot of situations that you should take the time to recognize. If people you interview with have a sense of humor, engage with them. You still want to maintain your level of professionalism during an interview but there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the experience. It’ll take some of the pressure off. It also will tell you something about their company culture. I worked in human resources for a period of time. I had a boss with a great sense of humor. In HR, a lot of unusual things happen. If you can laugh and not take yourself too seriously, it’s a release that helps you be more equipped to handle stressful situations.

Staying Productive

If you are unemployed, think about some of the things you would like to do but did not have the time while you were working. Do you want to volunteer, take a class or join a book club? Do something that makes you happy and helps relieve some of the pressure you are feeling to maintain your positive outlook.

Network of Support

Talk to your friends, family and former colleagues about your challenges in finding the right opportunity. Perhaps they can help you stay positive. You want to explore every avenue and keep things in perspective. The best jobs out there have the most competition. You are competing against a lot of strong candidates so it’s typically not an easy road. If finding the perfect job for you is a challenge, you will appreciate it that much more when you land the job.

Change What Isn’t Working

So, let’s be realistic. You’ve been looking for months without any interviews. You need to figure out what you should be doing differently. Self-awareness is key. Reflecting on what isn’t working is a valuable exercise. Admitting “My resume just isn’t cutting it, I need professional help”. In addition, realizing  you are not doing well on those interviews and know when to find a career is essential in obtaining that competitive edge.

Keeping a positive outlook during the job search process is important. If you are letting it get to you, that will come across during an interview and reflect poorly on you as a viable candidate. Take advantage of this time to take on a new project at home, exercise more, or take a class. Turning it into a positive may be what you need to present yourself in the best light.