Recruiters Share Secrets to an Optimized Resume NYC

Recruiters Share Secrets to an Optimized Resume

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With over fifteen years’ experience in Human Resources leadership including recruitment, before pivoting to a Professional Resume writer role, I have a keen understanding of what hiring managers and recruiters look for in job candidates. Those skills have served me well in optimizing resumes for my clients. The goal is to rank well in the ATS, the applicant tracking systems that most companies use today. The other equally essential part …

Increase Your Chances Career Shift NYC

Increase Chances to Land A Job During Pandemic

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The ability to adapt is critical during these rapidly changing times. There has been a career shift and renewed focus in the essentials industries. Many are adjusting to working from home, finding new ways to communicate and stay connected. The unemployment rate has gone up considerably over this past year. Possible Career Shift If your industry has been hit hard during the pandemic, are you open to a shift in …

Why Artificial Intelligence Doesn't Work for Resume Writing NYC

Maintaining A Positive Outlook During Your Job Search

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It can be easy to lose confidence and give in to those feelings of rejection when you are looking for a job. You apply for job after job and don’t hear anything. Or you interview for job after job and don’t seem to be able to secure the job offer. It happens to so many people and they start to feel frustrated and at times, it affects their overall positive …

Land that Promotion NYC

5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Career and Land That Promotion

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You want to be a success in your career, but the challenge is figuring out how. While there are no simple rules for getting ahead, there are some traits that great leaders share. If you want to land that promotion, you want to learn from those who have been successful. Plan in Advance Career planning is a lot like chess. If you want to land that promotion, you have to …