Writing a resume can be a daunting task. With so many changes in technology, how job market candidates are screened is a mystery. A professional resume writer at NYC Resume understands how candidates are screened and can focus on optimizing your resume appropriately. How are candidates screened today? How can I stand out in a super competitive job market? Where do I even begin with writing my resume, not to …
 First and foremost, you need to have a clear vision of what you want for a job search strategy to be successful. Do you want to continue down the same career path or do a job search for something new? However, you always want to be flexible for opportunities that arise however a solid plan is essential to keep you focused. A Disciplined Approach to your Job Search Your job …
As a midlevel manager, sometimes it’s difficult to create a concise and targeted resume. There are so many things managers do outside of the scope of their role. It makes prioritizing and determining what to focus on a challenge. Prime Real Estate for a Midlevel Manager Based on the way candidates are screened, there is such a thing as prime real estate when it comes to creating a resume. There …
Dealing with uncertainty can be overwhelming. Some people are working from home now balancing work and family with children home from school. Others have been temporarily or permanently laid off. Some are working at the front lines managing the supply chain, health care, within distribution, delivery, transportation, construction and many others. Anxiety levels can certainly run high if you are worried about your possible layoffs, an actual layoff, financials and …