4 Reasons to Hire A Professional Resume Writer How Candidates are screened

Top 4 Reasons to Hire a Professional Resume Writer

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Writing a resume can be a daunting task. With so many changes in technology, how job market candidates are screened is a mystery. A professional resume writer at NYC Resume understands how candidates are screened and can focus on optimizing your resume appropriately. How are candidates screened today? How can I stand out in a super competitive job market? Where do I even begin with writing my resume, not to …

A Winning Job Search Strategy NYC

A Winning Job Search Strategy

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 First and foremost, you need to have a clear vision of what you want for a job search strategy to be successful. Do you want to continue down the same career path or do a job search for something new? However, you always want to be flexible for opportunities that arise however a solid plan is essential to keep you focused.  A Disciplined Approach to your Job Search  Your job …