Hate My Job NYC

Why Do People Hate Their Jobs

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So, the vast majority of people are unhappy with their jobs. According to a global Gallup poll statistic, 85% of people are dissatisfied with their jobs. So, you are certainly not alone if you are unhappy at work. It really is an alarming statistic. Several years ago, it was at about 70%, so although that was still high, it does appear to be trending upward. Do you hate your job?  At …

In A Career Rut

In A Career Rut

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In a career rut? How can you tell and most importantly, what should you do? It gets frustrating when you feel like you have hit a roadblock in your career. How can you tell if this is something long-term or it’s temporary? We all have good days and bad days and highs and lows at work. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell if it is just unique additional stressors or will …

How To Find the Right Job NYC

How To Find the Right Job

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How do I find the right job for me? So many people struggle with their career choices. Obviously, people must make a living which means the priority becomes putting a roof over your head and food on the table. A career choice is a critical decision. You spend more waking hours at work than anywhere else basically.  What are some indicators can I am in the right job? Equally important, …

Is It Time to get a New Job and Resume

Is it Time to get a New Job

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It is hard to know when it’s time to get a new job. Many people are dissatisfied with their current job, but they hesitate to make a change. Transitioning to a new job can be scary. There’s a learning curve and being the new person at company can be uncomfortable initially at least. At the same time, you will never know what could be possible unless you make the move. …