Setting Goals for Your New Job

Goal Setting for your New Job NYC
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Starting a new job can be exciting and it can also be a bit overwhelming. You are in a new environment where you have to prove yourself all over again. Typically, you don’t really know anyone in this new company. You want to establish a reputation and do well for the company and yourself. There’s so much to learn about the company, your role and establishing relationships and realistic goals to help you be successful. Obviously, it’s difficult to do well in a vacuum. You will need to rely on team members that are strangers to you now.

Understanding the Company

There’s some pressure internally to make a good impression. Your enthusiasm may drive you to initiate some changes. The best course of action is not to act too quickly. Get a sense of the company, the people and how things are done before you start focusing on implementing changes. It’s difficult to make a positive change unless you do a careful assessment first. Acting prematurely can alienate your team members and you may step on some toes. The best approach in a new job is to ask a lot of questions and take the time to understand what’s working well and what can possibly be improved upon.

Understanding Priorities in your New Job

Make sure you understand what the company expects of you and what are your priorities. Be proactive in seeking guidance from your manager. Show your commitment and enthusiasm every day. Make sure they know you are excited about your new role and fully intend to contribute to the success of the company and your team members. Ask what is expected of you short term and long term. It is too soon to discuss career path and promotional opportunities at this point. Your immediate goal is to learn and grow, while demonstrating your energy and value. It’s critical to know how your performance is being measured and what are the specific targets you are expected to achieve and what is your timeframe. If you need guidance in establishing a plan, seek advice from your manager.

Building Trust

Take the time to get to know your new colleagues, understanding their roles and responsibilities, and a little about their family if they are willing to share. Perhaps you can find something you have in common that’s unrelated to work. Offer your help if there’s a way you can support them in their role. This shows a commitment to their success. You may find a mentor that can help you navigate through some of the challenges you face in your new job. Informal mentors are invaluable especially when trying to learn the ropes quickly and begin to contribute. The social component is also important in feeling like you fit in.

Be open to this new challenge in your work life, take the time to listen, learn and grow. You worked hard for this opportunity. You are part of this new team. Once you are more established in your role, then you can set a path for your continued development.