Job Search Tips for Recent College Grads

Job Search Tips Recent Grads NYC
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The job search process can be difficult when you are venturing out on your own for the first time. Figuring out the best way to put together a resume can be confusing. Researching job search tips can give you all sorts of information that may or may not be relevant to you. Having difficulty deciding how to even fill up your resume with content can be a challenge. You are searching for your first job, what can you possibly put on a resume? Where should your job search?

Taking a step back, you may not even know what kind of job you want.

What Are Companies Looking For?

You apply for jobs and have a good feeling about getting an interview. Then you don’t get the call. It leaves you wondering what are companies looking for in a job candidate? You are searching for job search tips that give you clear direction. You read about differentiating yourself. What does that really mean. There are some core competencies that can help you differentiate yourself. A major skill is problem solving. It is a competency that is lacking in the workplace to some degree. It’s also a skill that you basically need for most jobs today. So, think about how you can show you problem solve well on your resume. Furthermore, be prepared with examples of problem solving to discuss during the interview. Think about it. Your boss wants you to identify resolutions rather than always come to them with problems. There are two sides of problem solving. Part of it is coming up with solutions and the other is tapping into resources that can help you problem solve. That’s where the second competency comes into to play, collaboration.

Many employers have moved more toward a team-based approach. In fact, collaboration is key to most company initiatives and objectives. So, think about your experience in school, on teams or during an internship. What are examples of your collaboration skills? How did you show effectiveness as a team member?


Strong communication skills have become even more important. So many are working remotely at least part of the time. Being able to show strong communication skills with a hybrid remote workforce is critical. Think creatively and offer examples of how you have managed this successfully. Some will say written communications have become a lost art. You can start by showing your written communications with a strong cover letter and LinkedIn profile. Furthermore, if you are in a field that requires lots of written communications, consider submitting writing samples that show your diverse writing skills.

Some key job search tips include thinking about what skills will differentiate you as a candidate. Furthermore, skills like problem solving, collaboration and communications are critical for almost every job. Demonstrate examples of how you excelled in those areas in your resume and during the job interview. Furthermore, be persistent in your job search. Devote time to your search daily, jump on opportunities right away and make sure you are presenting your accomplishments well. If you need a professional resume writer, then do it. It’s a small investment in your career.