Why you should always have an Updated Standout Resume

Top 10 Resume Tips to Land My Dream Job NYC
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Opportunities arise when you least expect them to. Being prepared means you are not scrambling at the last minute to put together a resume that not only is rushed but looks rushed as well. A resume that stands out is your most important marketing tool when presenting yourself to the job market. I have received countless calls from individuals that have asked if I could turn around a resume in one day. The problem with that is when you contact a strong professional resume writer, they generally don’t have same day availability. They won’t be able to schedule you for the moment you call. Putting that aside, you do not want a rushed resume. I have clients contact me because they had someone create their resume in a rush and they were unhappy with the final product and did not get the results they want. 

How You Present Yourself Matters

If you receive a call from a contact with an opportunity, they are expecting your resume by the next day. If you tell them you need a week or so, you appear unprepared. Therefore, in all likelihood you will lose out on that opportunity. In addition, they may not give you the courtesy of consideration the next time something great comes up. It is best to always be prepared and showcase your career accomplishments in the best possible light. It is worth the time and investment. 

A Resume that Stands out Increases Your Negotiating Power 

The bottom line is a standout resume will increase your negotiating power. It will help you get your foot in the door. However, taking it a step further, it demonstrates your value and your worth. It also shows a high degree of confidence if you have a standout resume.  Employers understand they need to pay more for highly sought out candidates. You want to put yourself in that particular category, clearly showing your strong accomplishments and what value you will bring to a new company. 

Being Prepared for Organizational Changes 

Whether it is an internal opportunity or a layoff at your company, it is best to be ready for those two very different scenarios. Companies are merging, consolidating, being acquired which results in a level of uncertainty. Think about the pandemic, that was something totally expected that had a significant impact on the job market. You want to be able to pivot quickly if that’s what is needed. Internal job postings are up for a week or two depending on how urgently the position needs to be filled. Although a job posting is up for two weeks, it is not wise to submit on the last day of the posting. The hiring manager or recruiter may have informally selected their top candidates for interviews. You don’t want to find yourself at the bottom of the pile. 

Seeking and finding the right job is about timing and opportunity. You want to strike while the iron is hot so to speak. If you are unprepared when a great job comes along, you will kick yourself for not taking full advantage and then getting passed up. Having your resume current is a vital part of career success. Once you work with a professional resume writer, for a fee they can provide periodic updates to your resume. We do that for our clients. It is a great use of your time to have an updated resume that stands out so you are ready to go when your dream job comes along. Wishing you success and happiness on your career journey!