Why It's Important to rest and re-energize NYC

Why It’s Important to Rest and Re-energize

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Imagine having a day all to yourself where you can just rest and re-energize after working so hard. Specifically a day where you have no responsibilities and answer to nobody. At this point, you are probably saying yeah right, good luck with that. We are in the age of 24/7 technology in which we can always be reached, and everything seems to be a priority and we must respond right …

4 Ways to Maximize Career Success NYC

4 Ways to Maximize Your Career Success

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Most of us feel strong work performance should and will be rewarded however that’s not always the case. There are some exceptional performers that do get overlooked. Self-promotion is very important and mastering it is an important factor in career success. Certain managers are extremely adept at creating opportunities for their team members to gain visibility and shine in front of senior management. Some managers may not be as skillful …

What To Do If You Are In A Career Rut NYC

What To Do If You Feel Stuck In Your Career

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You’ve been doing the same thing for years. You feel like you are not learning or growing although you desperately want to and absolutely love learning new things. You can’t remember the last time you had a challenging work assignment. Some of your colleagues appear to have moved on to bigger and better things. They have higher salaries and feel energized by their new jobs but you feel like you …

Hire Professional Resume Writer

Why You Should Leave Resume Writing to the Experts

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Do you try to remodel your bathroom yourself or hire an expert? Do you do your own taxes or use an accountant? Why should you try to write your own resume when experts can do it for you? You lose money every day you are out of work. Or you might be in a job that’s paying you less than you deserve. There are all these pitfalls to writing your …