Recruiters Share Secrets to an Optimized Resume NYC

Recruiters Share Secrets to an Optimized Resume

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With over fifteen years’ experience in Human Resources leadership including recruitment, before pivoting to a Professional Resume writer role, I have a keen understanding of what hiring managers and recruiters look for in job candidates. Those skills have served me well in optimizing resumes for my clients. The goal is to rank well in the ATS, the applicant tracking systems that most companies use today. The other equally essential part …

Hate My Job NYC

Had A Terrible Job Interview, What Now

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So, you had a terrible job interview, what now? Job interviews can be stressful and nerve racking. It is hard to figure out what the interviewer wants at times. We all get nervous. Some of us ramble on when we get nervous, while others feel tongue tied. Our brain may tell us stop talking but sometimes we just don’t listen. Preparing for the most common job interview question is a …

Tips For Reluctant Career Changers NYC

Tips For Reluctant Career Changers

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There are a number of reasons one may consider changing careers. Even if you feel it is the right move for you, it may be scary to be a career changer. Staying in your current role may seem easier than switching to a new career. I have a number of clients that are shifting to different careers. Some are doing so because of shifts in demand within the job market, …

A Resume Strategy That Works NYC

Renew Your Job Search in December

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There are a number of reasons December maybe the perfect time to kick start your job search and beat the competition. Although some companies may not be hiring in December, they will likely be looking for candidates for January and February hire dates. New hiring budgets are in place for the new year. Some employees may resign after receiving their year-end bonuses. In addition, there are typically less job applicants …