5 Tips for Career Changers Looking to Pivot

5 Tips for a Career Pivot NYC
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From my own personal experience, a career change can be incredibly fulfilling. However, the path to that career pivot presents challenges that you need to overcome. A well thought out plan is essential to navigate through a successful transition in reinventing yourself professionally

Create a Thoughtful Plan for your Career Pivot 

At some point I knew I would transition from my role in Human Resources leadership. I gave a lot of thought to what that would look like. I assumed responsibilities outside of my scope that I believed would be helpful in that new direction. In addition to my role as Director Human Resources, I took on our company Communications Director responsibilities. This helped further strengthen my writing skills, specifically targeting to different audiences while maintaining an authenticity to my communications style. My skills as a Human Resources leader along with my communications background certainly helped me to pivot to a Lead Resume Writer and Career Coach. I love that I am able to use my skill set to help people fulfill their passion

Gather Data 

If you want a career change but are having difficulty pinning down the direction you wish to go, research is key. The Myers-Briggs Type Inventory can provide you with valuable information on your career path. The inventory will help you determine your type and based on that, there are books and data available that will identify a list of careers that may be suitable based on that information. With that list, you can narrow the scope based on what piques your interest. 

Assess Your Skills 

In addition to seeing what piques your interest from the list of careers, you want to complete an honest assessment of your skill set. It is vital to look at your transferable skills to determine what is most suitable. Taking an honest look, perhaps seeking out friends that can help you determine a suitable path. Consider the perspective of future employers and ask yourself “Why will they consider hiring me in this new direction?” Having asked that question, you have to give them a reason to take a chance and hire you in that career change. The best way to do that is to determine if your skill set is a fit.

Identify Gaps 

When you decide on a couple of options with your career change, you want to identify gaps in your skill set. Review job postings of positions you are interested in, perhaps you can speak to colleagues already within that path as well. Although most candidates don’t tick all the boxes, you want to determine which are the priorities and identify ways to close the gaps. Look into trainings and workshops, do research and practice this new skill you learn. 

Making Progress 

Making progress sometimes comes in baby steps, learn patience and understand every step is one step closer to meeting your goal. Things don’t happen overnight in general with your career path and especially not with a career change. Slow and steady wins the race is quite fitting for this process. 

Looking to make a career pivot? It is important to create a thoughtful plan and dedicate time and effort to moving forward with that plan. If you want to pivot, it is not generally a straight line. There are twists and turns along the way. Be determined and be patient. Happy searching in finding your true passion.